Advocacy Activities

The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine is pleased to partner with various groups in advocating for the health and well-being of adolescents. Below is a list of advocacy and sign-on activities that SAHM has undertaken in the current year.

View a listing of older sign-on activities:  2023  | 2022 


SAHM signs-on to a coalition letter, led by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), to urge the Supreme Court Not to Weaken EMTALA Protections.

SAHM signs-on to a coalition letter, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics to advocate for increased Congressional appropriations for gun violence prevention research for FY25. 

SAHM joins an amicus curiae brief filed in the supreme court of the state of Montana in Scarlet Van Garden, et al., v. State of Montana. 


SAHM joins Amicus brief in the Montana Supreme Court in Held v. Montana.

SAHM joins an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in Poe v Labrador.


SAHM joins a sign-on letter organized by Trust for America’s Health, supporting efforts at the CDC to address Adverse Child Experiences (ACEs). The letter asks that Congress include the “PACE Act” (Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences) in the reauthorization of the bipartisan “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act,” which focuses on substance use.

SAHM signs-on to a CAMH (Child and Adolescent Mental Health) coalition letter that urges Congress to act quickly to address child/youth mental health, with specific policy priorities. 


SAHM joined Amici brief in Danco Laboratories, LLC v. Alliance or Hippocratic Medicine et al.

SAHM joins Amicus curiae brief in the Texas Court of Appeals in support of the preliminary injunctions issued in Masters v. PFLAG. 

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