Press Releases & Statements
SAHM Supports Protecting Access to Gender-Affirming Clinical Care for Transgender and Nonbinary AYA
On August 15, 2023, the Journal of Adolescent Health (JAH) published an original research article online titled, “Adolescent Providers’ Experiences of Harassment related to Delivering Gender-Affirming Care.” The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) embraces our professional responsibility to ensure that all adolescents and young adults, including transgender and nonbinary youth, have access to health, equity, and well-being.
SAHM Releases Position Paper on Improving Outcomes for Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) encourages concrete steps to improve outcomes for adolescents and young adults living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In a position paper, published on July 7, 2023, in the Journal of Adolescent Health, SAHM emphasizes that, to understand the disparities that adolescents and young adults living with HIV face, it is important to focus on the multiple steps along the HIV continuum of care.
SAHM Supports the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
“People First: Stop Stigma and Discrimination, Strengthen Prevention”
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed annually on June 26. The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) supports this day by acknowledging the complex and multi-faceted challenges of global substance use and illicit trafficking.
SAHM Supports World No Tobacco Day
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) supports World No Tobacco Day, which occurs annually on May 31st. Tobacco use continues to be a major global public health issue; most tobacco use initiation occurs during adolescence and young adulthood. In support of the 2023 theme, “Grow Food, Not Tobacco,”1 SAHM encourages everyone around the globe who works to protect the health and well-being of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) to commit individual and collective efforts to: 1.) reduce tobacco production because of the negative environmental and human impacts, and 2.) prevent and reduce tobacco use among all adolescents and young adults.
Declaración de la SAHM sobre los Adolescentes y Jóvenes Adultos Refugiados y Migrantes: Recepciones Compasivas que Optimizan la Integración Positiva
Más de 40 millones de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos son refugiados y/o migrantes internacionales [1]. La Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) asume nuestra responsabilidad profesional de asegurar que todos los adolescentes y jóvenes adultos, incluyendo los jóvenes refugiados y migrantes, tengan acceso a relaciones familiares estables, vivienda, educación, salud, bienestar y un futuro positivo.
SAHM Statement on Refugee and Migrant Adolescents and Young Adults: Compassionate Receptions that Optimize Positive Integration
More than 40 million adolescents and young adults are international refugees and/or migrants [1]. The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) embraces our professional responsibility to assure that all adolescents and young adults, including refugee and migrant youth, have access to stable family relationships, housing, education, health, well-being, and a positive future.
SAHM Issues a Position Paper Regarding Sexual Consent Principles
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) has released its position paper regarding the promotion of sexual consent principles in the sexual and reproductive health care of adolescents and young adults. The paper, published online on May 6, in the Journal of Adolescent Health, was based on a comprehensive review of the international scientific literature published in English, reports and technical guidance from national and international organizations, and consensus opinions among the members of interprofessional SAHM review team.
SAHM Statement About the Firearm Injury Prevention Efforts of Tennessee State Representatives
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) lauds the relentless efforts of Tennessee State Representatives Justin Jones, Justin J. Pearson, and Gloria Johnson to prioritize the enactment of evidence-based firearm injury prevention legislation. More than 500 people on our planet die every day from a firearm-related injury [1].
Statement on the Politicization of Gender-Affirming Care and Threats of Violence Against Clinicians
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) opposes discriminatory legislation prohibiting transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) adolescents and young adults (AYAs) and their families, from receiving needed care, and condemns harassment of clinicians, programs, and institutions. Discrimination and violence against transgender individuals, including AYAs, occurs worldwide.[1]
SAHM Statement: Over-the-Counter Status for Oral Contraceptives
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Statement submitted written testimony to the FDA in response to:
“Joint Meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments.”