2025 Annual Meeting

Scientific Research Abstract Presentations

Thank you to everyone that submitted a Scientific Research Abstract for consideration for presentation at the SAHM 2025 Annual Meeting! Notification of decisions have been sent and the following information is for those with abstracts accepted for presentation. 

Financial Disclosures
  • All presenting authors at the SAHM Annual Meeting must complete a brief, 2-min financial disclosure form through our accreditation partner as a requirement of the meeting providing CME/CE by no later than Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Meeting Registration

All presenters are required to register for the 2025 Annual Meeting and to be present during the presentation. All presenters are responsible for their travel and lodging arrangements and expenses. Virtual/hybrid presentations are not available.
Registration is now open. View Information about registration and information about hotel/venue.

Presentation Requirements
  • The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine offers continuing education credits for scientific research sessions. In order to be in compliance with the ACCME, please remember that your presentation must be free of any commercial endorsement or bias. Therefore, your abstract, slides and presentation cannot include any registered trade names, company names or logos. Generic names are allowed. 

  • For accepted presentations that include a poster: SAHM’s poster size requirements state that your poster be no larger than 3’ 10” by 3’ 10” (46 inches by 46 inches). Instructions to assist with creating your poster can be found here.
Overview of Session Formats 

The following is a description of the three formats of presentations for accepted scientific abstracts to the SAHM Annual Meeting:

Platform Research Presentations
Presenters are featured to formally present their findings in front of a larger audience followed by questions and answers. 

In order to keep the sessions flowing as smoothly as possible, the following are guidelines to which all presenters must adhere:

  • All speakers must create their slides using Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.
  • Slides must be saved to a flash drive and brought with you to the Annual Meeting. Bring two separate copies of your presentation in case one is corrupted. All removable media must be clearly labeled with your name and the title of your presentation.
  • PowerPoint slides must be given to the A/V technician at the Speaker Ready room to be uploaded on the day prior or morning of your presentation. Failure to do so may cause delays in the meeting schedule. Changes to your presentation will not be allowed beyond this deadline. Information on where the Speaker Ready Desk will be located will be made available shortly. .
  • The standard A/V equipment will include a laptop, LCD projector, standing lectern, microphone, and an electronic timer. You will advance the slides via wireless mouse from the speaker’s podium. A/V technicians will be onsite and available to assist you if needed.
  • Each presentation will be monitored for length. Each presentation should be ten (10) minutes in length, followed by a five (5) minute question-and-answer period. Please be sure your presentation does not extend beyond the allotted speaking time. If your presentation runs long, you will lose your time for questions. At 15 minutes, the Moderator will stop your presentation.

Poster Symposia
Presenters print their posters and display them with a small number of other posters for an interactive session in which they formally describe their findings to the session’s participants and then participate in small group discussions. Those accepted to present during a poster symposia will be contacted with additional details shortly. 

Poster Session
Presenters print their posters and display them in a large room alongside other poster presenters. Participants read and receive information from presenters with self-paced discussion.

Important Information for Accepted Scientific Research Abstracts

Important Dates for Accepted Scientific Research Abstracts

Additional Information for Research Platform Presentations

    • Presentation Format: Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes for question-and-answer for a total allotment of 15 minutes per an abstract. At 15 minutes, the Moderator will stop the presentation and/or discussion. 
    • Room Set-Up: All presentation rooms are set-up with theater style (rows of chairs) with a podium, head table, projector, and projector screen at the front of the room. A computer with a wireless slide advancer will be available to advance slides from the podium. AV technicians will be onsite and available to assist if needed.
    • Visual Aids: Presentations should be created using MS PowerPoint for windows. Slides must be saved on a flash drive and brought with you to the Annual Meeting. Bring two separate copies of your presentation in case one is corrupted. All removable media must be clearly labeled with your name and the title of your presentation.
    • Speaker Ready Room: PowerPoint slides must be given to the AV technician at the Speaker Ready room to be uploaded on the day prior or morning of your presentation. Failure to do so may cause delays in the meeting schedule. Changes to your presentation will not be allowed beyond this deadline.

Additional Information for New Investigators

New Investigators will be sent an email with additional directions. Please refer to this email for the additional guidelines.

Additional Information for Poster Symposia

    • Goal: The goal of the research poster symposia is to generate in-depth discussion of recent research with a focus on stimulating advancements in the field of adolescent health research.
    • Overview: During the first 10 minutes of the symposium, attendees will independently view the posters. This will be followed by a brief welcome (5 minutes) from the Moderators. Next, each lead author provides an oral presentation of their poster focusing on the methods and results of their work (5 minutes per author presentation). Presenters are to emphasize the two most significant findings of their study and what is considered the best next step for their research. The presentation is to be based only on the material presented in the poster. No additional audiovisual materials are allowed. 
    • Design of Learning Space: Posters will be set up on the periphery along the wall of the room on poster boards. Presenters will hang their poster on the board in the order of their abstract numbers before the session begins. Authors must remove their posters at the end of the session. 
    • Poster Size Requirements: You will be sharing the board with another poster. Posters must be no larger than 3’10” by 3’ 10” (46 inches by 46 inches) to allow room for two posters per board.
    • Presenters are responsible for the printing, transportation, hanging, and removal of their posters at the Annual Meeting. 

Additional Information for Poster Sessions

    • Poster Size Requirements: You will be sharing the board with another poster. Posters must be no larger than 3’10” by 3’ 10” (46 inches by 46 inches) to allow room for two posters per board.
    • Presentation Schedule: There will be two Poster Presentation Sessions. Accepted abstracts for poster presentation will be notified in early January 2025 of which session they are presenting in and additional details on the schedule will be shared then.
        • Wednesday, March 5 – Poster Session I
        • Thursday, March 6  – Poster Session II 
    • Presenters are responsible for the printing, transportation, hanging, and removal of their posters at the Annual Meeting.
    • Logistics:
        • SAHM will provide space for each poster and thumb tacks to display your materials. Two posters will share one long poster board. Please be certain to display your materials on the side of the board with your corresponding poster number. There will be no Internet our electrical connection provided. 
        • At least one of the investigators must stand by the poster during the session when authors are required to be present. 
      • Poster Preparation: 
        • Posters must be no larger than 3’10” by 3’ 10” (46 inches by 46 inches) to allow room for two posters per board.
        • There are three main approaches to presenting your abstract:
          • One large printed sheet (which can be rolled up and carried in a tube).
            Separate sheets mounted on paper or cardboard that can be moved closer or further apart.
            One large background sheet and separate sheets mounted directly thereupon.
        • Prepare a banner or top section of the poster including the title, authors and institution, with lettering at least two inches (2”) high.
        • The body of the poster should:
          • State objectives clearly.
          • Provide brief design information.
          • Visually present results and be clearly labeled (tables, charts and graphics are particularly helpful).
        • Limitations and conclusions should be summarized.
        • Keep in mind that posters can only make 2-3 points effectively.
        • Posters should be easy to read from 3 to 6 feet away.
          • Letters should be at least 1 inch (1”) tall and no smaller than 28-point font
        •  You may find a 9” x 12” writing tablet and felt-tipped marking pens useful to illustrate points with colleagues.
        • Meeting attendees appreciate—and many times request—a summary handout of presentations. Consider tacking a file folder to your poster board containing handouts, so attendees can help themselves at times when you are away from your poster.

We look forward to your presentations in Baltimore! For questions, contact SAHM Staff at info@adolescenthealth.org.

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