Michigan Regional Chapter

The Michigan Regional Chapter of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine meets as deemed necessary to primarily deal with advocacy issues. Communication is generally by e-mail. Dissemination of current events, national SAHM news, and other adolescent-oriented mailings are related to important events and needs recognized by Chapter members and passed on through our network. We encourage those individuals and/or organizations interested in the health, welfare, and well-being of adolescents, or those individuals who have interest and expertise to share with other likewise-interested individuals to join Michigan SAHM. At the present time, we do not charge dues to join and ask only for a valid e-mail address. We encourage individuals involved with adolescent health to join the national organization as well.

If you have further questions about the Michigan Regional Chapter, feel free to contact one of the officers below:

MI-SAHM Officers for 2017-2018:

Terrill Bravender, MD, MPH, FSAHM
Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
University of Michigan
1500 E. Medical Center Drive, #D2215
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Vice President:

Lisa Lowery, MD, MPH
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital


Elizabeth (Liz) Shih, MD
Department of Family Medicine
University of Michigan


Heather Alberda, BA, CSE
Ottowa County Department of Public Health

Join this chapter — membership in SAHM is not required to join a chapter, but you are invited to join. 

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