New SAHM Position Paper: Improving Adolescent and Young Adult Health Through Knowledge and Action on Gender-Based Violence
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine recognizes that GBV has been a long-standing threat, remains a public health crisis, and requires an urgent response to support the health and well-being of AYAs, especially cis and trans women and girls, worldwide. View position paper.
2024 Journal of Adolescent Health Distinguished Dozen
The Distinguished Dozen: 2024 Journal of Adolescent Health Articles Making Distinguished Contributions to Adolescent and Young Adult Health
New SAHM Position Paper: Promoting Food Security Among Adolescents and Young Adults
SAHM recommends actions that healthcare professionals can take to achieve a goal of universal food security among adolescents and young adults.
New SAHM Position Paper: Responding to the Impact of Climate Change on Adolescent and Young Adult Health
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and the International Association for Adolescent Health call for urgent action in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on the Rights of the Child to avert the irreversible consequences of climate change
Visit the SAHM Career Center
Find adolescent health practitioner job opportunities or post opportunities for all levels of experience. Visit the SAHM Career Center for more information!