Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice and Health Equity Award
The deadline has passed for the Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice and Health Equity Award. Award notifications will be announced December 2024.
Deadline: August 1st, 2024
The Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice & Health Equity Award supports research and program evaluation focused on racial justice and/or health equity within adolescent health and medicine.
Award Funding
Up to $3,000 in funding is available to the selected recipient. Examples of how funds can be used include, but are not limited to, subject incentives and travel, a consultant to provide statistical analysis, or secondary data analysis of existing data sets. Funds may not be used to support salary, indirect costs, the purchase of equipment or other capital expenses, conducting clinical trials, pharmaceutical trials or literature reviews/meta-analyses.
Eligibility Criteria
- All disciplines invited to apply.
- SAHM membership required.
- No restrictions on where applicant resides.
- Deadline for receipt of application: August 1, 2024
- Notification of award: Before End of 2024
- Funding period: March 2025-February 2026
- Final Report due: May 2026
- Research project or project evaluation proposal, with specific objectives, study population and methodology, and evaluation plan.
- Proposed project budget.
- Research or Evaluation strategy must be completed within a 1-year period to complete.
- Dissertations are not accepted for this award.
Proposal should include a Title Page that includes:
- Title of proposed project
- Clearly state, whether the proposed project relates to clinical care innovation, educational innovation or research innovation.
- Leader/Principal investigator name, academic rank, department, office address, phone, email
- Other Key personnel (Co-investigators, collaborators; with rank and dept.)
- Budget contact name, title, phone, email
- Location(s) where this project will be performed
- Is this project supported with other funds, grants?
- If yes, please indicate source
- Has the leader/PI received funding through this mechanism in the past 5 years?
- If yes, please indicate the project name and amount
Proposals should include the following sections:
- Brief Project Summary
- Specific aims
- Significance
- Innovation
- Background (including preliminary data if applicable)
- Study/Project Design
- Include a statement that the study is IRB compliant. If IRB is required, clearly state if an IRB has already been approved, or that it is pending.
- Analysis/Evaluation plan
- Sustainability
- Long term goal and timeline
- References
- Itemized budget and budget justification (Do not include indirect costs)
- CV of Leader/PI and other investigators
Format: 3-page limit (not including title page, references, budget, CV’s), single-space, 1 inch margins, 11 point, Arial font. Please upload applications as one PDF document with the following naming convention: First Name_Last Name_Equity_2025_Research_Award.
Please upload your application package here. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Significance and innovation of the research or evaluation plan.
- Potential for the project to reduce racial injustice and the impact of racism on health, or improve health equity among adolescents and young adults.
In accepting this grant, you will be expected to submit a one-page final progress report (single-space, 1 inch margins, 11 point, Arial font ) summarizing findings, the impact on the field, planned or submitted presentation abstracts or manuscripts, and a financial report at the end of the funding period including any residual balance if applicable. Any and all presentation abstracts or manuscripts must acknowledge receipt of funding from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
Questions? Please contact
Recipient: Carla Hilario, PhD, RN
Project Title: “Racism and the mental health of Asian Canadian adolescents: 20-year trends from a population-based survey”
Recipient: Jack Rusley, MD, MHS
Project Title: “Youth of color, mental health, and school resource officers: A qualitative evaluation”
Recipient: Jade Burns, Ph.D., RN, CPNP-PC
Project Title: “The Use of New Media to improve Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Services among Young Black Males in a Community-Based Setting”
Revised 12/20/24