Scientific Research Abstract Submission Instructions

Submission Dates: August 8-September 11, 2023
Submitting a Scientific Research Proposal
Our theme for the 2024 Annual Meeting is Maximizing Adolescent and Young Adult Health
through Structure and Agency.
Powerful unjust social structures limit equitable access to positive life outcomes for many
adolescents and young adults (AYA). “Structure” posits that existing societal processes and
arrangements determine the opportunities available for individuals and groups. “Agency” asserts that individuals and groups can act to influence the future amidst actual or perceived
constraints. We invite you to participate in a collective conversation about how we can
maximize adolescent and young adult health through structure and agency.
During the 2024 Annual Meeting of SAHM, diverse AYA-serving health professionals from throughout the world, will collaborate interprofessionally to share, discuss, and critique thoughts about existing structures in our current systems (i.e., clinical, educational, research, public health, advocacy, and social) that impede AYA health and well-being; structures that could be used to maximize AYA health; and how to most effectively promote individual and collective agency to ensure that all young people have full and equitable access to safe, healthy, productive, and meaningful lives.
Virtual Considerations: Our priority is to hold an in-person meeting; however, we will provide virtual options for attendees. All speakers at the meeting are expected to present in person; however, we understand this may not be possible for all individuals due to equity-related issues, such as health or travel restrictions. If it is suspected that a presenter will be unable to attend in person due to issues of access or equity, please email SAHM Staff at prior to proposal submission.
Before you begin the submission process for submitting a research abstract, please carefully read the following:
- Submissions for scientific presentations do NOT have to be consistent with the theme of the annual meeting and will receive no additional consideration.
- The submission of overlapping abstracts from the same group of investigators are strongly discouraged. Multiple abstracts considered to be the result of excessive splitting of data will be evaluated accordingly and will not be given priority. To accommodate as many submitters as possible, the Abstract Review Committee Chair may request that such multiple submissions be combined and that a revised abstract be provided.
- To be accepted for presentation at the SAHM annual meeting, the project being presented in the abstract must have been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or have been designated by an IRB as exempt from review.
- Consistent with SAHM’s overall mission of promoting the optimal health and well-being of all adolescents, authors should consider conducting and presenting their research with attention to identifying assets, using inclusive language, and addressing health equity.
- The abstract can frame the research within an assets framework.
- The abstract should include consideration of socioecological/contextual contributors to outcomes, to avoid inadvertent negative stereotyping of any sub-population of adolescents and young adults.
- Research abstracts without data will not be accepted for presentation at the SAHM annual meeting.
- It is possible for scientific presentations to be considered for poster presentation (traditional poster session or poster symposia) only, and not for podium presentation. If you do not wish to have a podium presentation, check the “poster only” box during the online submission process.
- Do not repeat the title or include author information in the body of the abstract.
- No tables or figures are allowed in the abstract. The abstract should be TEXT ONLY.
- Submissions can be edited until the deadline.
- Your proposal will not be considered for presentation unless all required fields are completed, and your submission has been finalized.
- Proof reading is the responsibility of the submitting author. Please check carefully for spelling mistakes, etc.
- NO changes can be made to the abstract after the abstract site closes. This includes, but is not limited to, adding authors. Please make sure to include all authors on your abstract upon submission.
To complete your Scientific Research Submission, please provide the following:
- Title (Up to 250 characters – Does not include spaces)
- Briefly describe the objectives of the study or investigation, the basic procedures (study subjects and analytical methods), the main findings (giving specific data and the statistical significance, if possible), and the principal conclusion. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study. There is a cumulative total of 500 words allowed for all fields including sources of support.
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Sources of Support
- Choose a minimum of one and no more than three topic areas that best fit your presentation. If you choose “other” please specify.
- Choose a minimum of one and no more than three methodologies that best fit your research.
- Provide one learning outcome (goal or purpose of the study).
- Provide up to five keywords.
- Complete the award tab.
- Complete the Acknowledgement tab.
- Name & Contact information for each author
- Full name
- Credentials
- Institution
- Email address
The lead author/presenter will be listed on the SAHM 2024 Annual Meeting website and mobile app. The primary author/presenter will serve as the primary contact for all correspondence related to the submission. All speakers at the meeting are expected to present in person. We understand this may not be possible for all individuals due to equity-related issues, such as health or travel restrictions. If it is suspected that a presenter will be unable to attend in person due to issues of access or equity, please email SAHM Staff at prior to proposal submission.
- Presenter Curriculum Vitae (CV): CVs for the lead author/presenter only are required upon submission for research. Please upload CVs for the lead author/presenter with the following naming convention: presenter’s last name, first name in the document name, for example: Smith, John. Documents must be uploaded as a PDF. Word documents are not accepted. (Please note this is different from workshops and institutes which requires all presenters submit CVs)
- Faculty Disclosures: Lead/presenting authors MUST disclose whether they have any financial relationship with commercial interests, including but not limited to, participation on speaker bureaus or advisory boards, receipt of grant support, etc. Should the proposal be accepted, the lead presenter, associated with the submission, will receive a link to a disclosure survey. The disclosure must be completed by the lead presenter by December 2023.
- There is a fee of $40.00 (US) for all submitted scientific presentation abstracts. Please upload a copy of your receipt of payment on the payment tab. This is required before you can finalize your submission.
Your submission will not be considered for presentation unless all required fields are completed, and your submission has been finalized.
Important Information: If you re-enter the site and make changes after you have finalized your submission and submitted it, please make sure you resubmit your submission. Once the submission site closes, edits will not be possible.
Thank you for following these detailed instructions. We hope to see you in San Diego! For questions, contact SAHM staff at
(Special note: Only start a submission if you plan on completing it. If you experience any issues with the proposal management system, contact SAHM staff)
The deadline for submission of scientific presentations is on September 11, 2023 (closes 11:59 p.m. EDT).
Questions? Contact SAHM Staff at