SRH Needs of Specific Populations
Updated in April 2021
LGBT Youth
Publication: Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community
The Joint Commission, 2014
This field guide urges U.S. hospitals to create a more welcoming, safe and inclusive environment that contributes to improved health care quality for LGBT patients and their families. The Field Guide features a compilation of strategies, practice examples, resources, and testimonials designed to help hospitals in their efforts to improve communication and provide more patient-centered care to their LGBT patients.
Publication: Providing Services and Supports for Youth who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex or Two-Spirit
National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University
This Practice Brief is for policymakers, administrators, and providers seeking to learn more about youth who are LGBT, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit as well as how to develop culturally and linguistically competent programs and services to meet their needs and preferences.
Clinical Tool: Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to LGBTQ Youth and Their Families
National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University
This tool promotes cultural diversity and cultural and linguistic competence for professionals serving LGBTQ youth and their families. This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural diversity and cultural competence. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of values and practices that foster such an environment.
Resource Collection: Family Acceptance Project Publications, Training and Resource Materials
Family Acceptance Project
This resource collection includes tools for providers to help increase family acceptance of LGBT youth in the form of publications, resource guides, and training materials. Topics cover helping families support their LGBT children, family education information, and research on factors that can influence the health of LBGT youth.
The Fenway Institute National LGBTQ Health Education Center
Publication: 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report
Human Rights Campaign
Details the current challenges LGBTQ youth 13-17 face in their daily lives at home, at school, and in their communities.
Publication: 2015 US Transgender Survey
National Center for Transgender Equality
The largest survery of transgender and gender diverse populations on their lived experiences in various domains. Information in also broken down by state.
Resource Collection: LGBTQ Youth Resources I LGBTQ Youth Introduction
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Resources for LGBTQ youth, families, and educators/schools
Resource Collection: LGTBQ Resources to Prevent Suicide
The Trevor Project
Resources and information on LGBTQ adolescent suicide prevention, including warning signs and ways to help.
Resource Collection: LGBTQ Resources I Transgender Resources
Various resources for individuals, families, schools, and community organizations.
Resources Collection: Section on LGBTQ Health and Wellness Resources
American Academy of Pediatrics
Videos, policy, and guidance for pediatric providers on serving the needs of LGBTQ youth and their families.
Youth with Disabilities
Clinical Tool: Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Children with Disabilities & Special Health Needs and their Families
National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University
This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural diversity and cultural competence in human service settings. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of values and practices that foster such an environment.
Resource Collection: Resources for Families of Youth with Disabilities
Various resources, including policy, trainings, and information, for families of youth with disabilities.
Resource Collection: National Resources for Parents of Children and Youth with Disabilities
University of Washington
Various resources and information for families on ways to support, advocate, and care for children with disabilities.
Clinical Tool: Sexual Health Education for Young People with Disabilities – Research and Resources for Educators
Advocates for Youth
Information on providing inclusive sexual education, including research and resources for educators.
Incarcerated Youth
Publications: Teen Sexual Health and Education Now in State Environments (Teen SENSE)
The Center for HIV Law and Policy
Teen SENSE released Model Policies and Standards on sexual health care for youth in state custody and on staff training focusing on the needs of youth in state custody. These policies and standards serve as consistent, written assurances that comprehensive, LGBTQ-inclusive sexual health services are available to youth in out-of-home care, and that youth facilities staff are culturally competent, including on the rights and needs of LGBTQ youth.
Publications: The Sexual Health of Adolescents Involved in Corrections
Article excerpted from Sexual Health Disparties Among Disenfranchised Youth. (2011).
Review of the unique sexual health risks and needs of adolescents with corrections system involvement.
Resource Collection: Children in Prison
Juvenile Law Center
Information on various issues and concerns faced in the incarceration of children and adolescents, and the ongoing advocacy for system reform.
Homeless Youth
Clinical Tool: Homeless Youth Handbook
Baker McKenzie
A growing resource that features FAQ on a variety of issues affecting homeless and system-involved children by state, such as where to access healthcare or food, personal rights, etc.
Resource Collection: Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
National Center for Homeless Education
Resources to help in building understanding and to provide support around the issue of youth homelessness.
Clinical Tool: Safe Place Program for Homeless Youth
National Safe Place Network
Information on youth homelessness, how to locate a safe place emergency shelter, and various resources.