Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice and Health Equity Award

Apply for the Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice & Health Equity Award

Deadline: ‎August 1st, 2024

The Renee R. Jenkins, MD Racial Justice & Health Equity Award supports research and program evaluation focused on racial justice and/or health equity within adolescent health and medicine.

Award Funding
Up to $3,000 in funding is available to the selected recipient. Examples of how funds can be used include, but are not limited to, subject incentives and travel, a ‎consultant to provide statistical analysis, or secondary data analysis of existing data sets. Funds may ‎not be used to support salary, indirect costs, the purchase of equipment or other capital expenses, ‎conducting clinical trials, pharmaceutical trials or literature reviews/meta-analyses. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • All disciplines invited to apply.
  • SAHM membership required.
  • No restrictions on where applicant resides.
  • Deadline for receipt of application: ‎August 1, 2024
  • Notification of award: Before End of 2024
  • Funding period: ‎March 2025-February 2026
  • Final Report due: May 2026
  • Research project or project evaluation proposal, with specific objectives, study population and ‎methodology, and evaluation plan.
  • Proposed project budget.
  • Research or Evaluation strategy must be completed within a 1-year period to complete.
  • Dissertations are not accepted for this award.

Proposal should include a Title Page that includes:

    1. Title of proposed project
    2. Clearly state, whether the proposed project relates to clinical care innovation, educational ‎innovation or research innovation.‎
    3. Leader/Principal investigator name, academic rank, department, office address, phone, email
    4. Other Key personnel (Co-investigators, collaborators; with rank and dept.) ‎
    5. Budget contact name, title, phone, email
    6. Location(s) where this project will be performed
    7. Is this project supported with other funds, grants?‎
    8. If yes, please indicate source
    9. Has the leader/PI received funding through this mechanism in the past 5 years?  ‎
      • If yes, please indicate the project name and amount

Proposals should include the following sections: ‎

    1. Brief Project Summary ‎
    2. Specific aims ‎
    3. Significance ‎
    4. Innovation ‎
    5. Background (including preliminary data if applicable) ‎
    6. Study/Project Design
    7. Include a statement that the study is IRB compliant. If IRB is required, clearly state if an ‎IRB has already been approved, or that it is pending.‎
    8. Analysis/Evaluation plan
    9. Sustainability
    10. Long term goal and timeline ‎
    11. References ‎
    12. Itemized budget and budget justification (Do not include indirect costs)
    13. CV of Leader/PI and other investigators

Format: 3-page limit (not including title page, references, budget, CV’s), single-space, 1 inch ‎margins, 11 point, Arial font. Please upload applications as one PDF document with the ‎following naming convention: First Name_Last ‎Name_Equity_2025_Research_Award.

Please upload your application package here. Incomplete applications ‎will not be accepted.

  • Significance and innovation of the research or evaluation plan.
  • Potential for the project to reduce racial injustice and the impact of racism on health, or ‎improve health equity among adolescents and young adults.

In accepting this grant, you will be expected to submit a one-page final progress report (single-‎space, 1 inch margins, 11 point, Arial font ) summarizing findings, the impact on the field, ‎planned or submitted presentation abstracts or manuscripts, and a financial report at the end ‎of the funding period including any residual balance if applicable.  Any and all presentation ‎abstracts or manuscripts must acknowledge receipt of funding from the Society for Adolescent ‎Health and Medicine.‎

Questions? Please contact


Recipient: Carla Hilario, PhD, RN
Project Title:  Racism and the mental health of Asian Canadian adolescents: 20-year trends from a population-based survey


Recipient: Jack Rusley, MD, MHS
Project Title:  The Use of New Media to improve Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Services among Young Black Males in a Community-Based Setting


Recipient: Jade Burns, Ph.D., RN, CPNP-PC
Project Title:  The Use of New Media to improve Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Services among Young Black Males in a Community-Based Setting

Revised 07/05/2023

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